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Azan meaning, History of azan, Azan text. Azan words.

Nadia Afreen
Azan meaning, History of azan, Azan text. Azan words.

Azan meaning, History of azan, Azan text.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the person who will offer Azan for seven years in the hope of reward, will be released from Hell for liberation.

Narrated: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that if people knew Azan and the first row of the rays of the Qatar, they would have tried to achieve it, although they made lotions.

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) built a mosque by immigrating to Medina, he felt the need to ensure a specific signal to gather to participate in the prayers of the Muslims and sought advice from the Companions.

In the consultation meeting, 4 proposals are presented, namely-

Secondly the fire is the work of fire worshipers.

Nadia Afreen
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