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Netflix Remove From Continue Watching: Solve Quickly Step-by-Step!

sindy 33
Netflix Remove From Continue Watching: Solve Quickly Step-by-Step!

So the chances are that you are new to using Netflix and you can’t seem to figure out how to remove Netflix from continue watching.

Of course, this feature of continue watching is quite helpful for people who like to binge-watch shows and movies on Netflix but for some people, this could be a pain point that they want to solve quickly.

In this post, I am going to show you the step by step solution to fix the problem of Netflix remove from continue watching.

Also, I have written a post on how to get cheap Netflix accounts using a service called accountbot.

So when you watch your favorite TV show or movie on Netflix, it saves your progress of that show of the movie.

Don’t panic thinking where is Netflix taking me, this is how it works.

sindy 33
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