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Deploying TensorFlow and Keras for Deep Learning Models

Oodles AI
Deploying TensorFlow and Keras for Deep Learning Models

The proliferation of artificial intelligence across businesses has amplified the development of dynamic deep learning models. What’s more, emerging neural network libraries such as Keras and TensorFlow development services are powering AI solutions with rich datasets. Together, these resources are enabling businesses to build effective and industry-specific image, text, and speech recognition systems with deep video analytics.   

For better understanding, let’s explore some business benefits and deep learning applications powered by Tensorflow and Keras.

Decoding TensorFlow and Keras

TensorFlow is Google’s open-source library used extensively for building machine learning models and executing high-level numerical computations. Its agile architecture enables developers to streamline artificial intelligence services across GPUs, TPUs, Raspberry Pi, operating systems, and mobile interfaces.

Oodles AI
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