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PNS Upload or Like the Content of Radicalism Can be Reported to the Communications and information technology

Berita Terkini
PNS Upload or Like the Content of Radicalism Can be Reported to the Communications and information technology

Katadata.co.id - (Read: Overcome Hoaks, Minister Of Communications And Information Technology - Of The Brand-New Go To Options Restrict Internet)

There were 11 violations of the ASN that can be reported through the portal of battle of the.

First, the text, images, audio and video that contains hate speech against the Pancasila and the 1945 CONSTITUTION.

Third, to disseminate opinions through social media (share, broadcast, upload, retweet, repost and like).

Sixth, the implementation of the activities that are insulting, incite, provoke and hate Pancasila, UUD 1945, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, NKRI and Pancasila.

Eighth, feedback or support as a sign of appropriate opinions by giving likes, dislike, love, retweet or comment on social media.

Berita Terkini
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