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Herbal Skincare Products Industry Growing Demands and Industry Outlook 2020

Pradeep Zende
Herbal Skincare Products Industry Growing Demands and Industry Outlook 2020

Globally the herbal skincare products market share as one of the fastest growing skin care product range is estimated to escalate at a higher growth rate which is supported by the rising mass consumer demand for natural and effective products. Rapid urbanization and increased disposable income has led to consumers' inclination towards purchase of personal care products with organic ingredients which also has a positive impact on this market.

Market Research Future published a half cooked research report on Global Herbal Skincare Products Market which is estimated to grow more than 5.5% during the period of 2017-2023. Herbal beauty products are derived from plant based sources and have minimal side effect to the skin. Herbal skincare products are used majorly to achieve skin healing and smoothness. Herbal products are also used to enhance the skin texture owing to the herbal ingredients found in the product. Herbal skin care product are free of chemicals and contain extracts made out of plant roots and leaves. Mass consumers adopting the usage of natural and organic cosmetics worldwide prefer herbal beauty products such as skin care, hair care, make-up and other products. The market share of the herbal products is evaluated to be rising as compared to other synthetic products. 

Adoption of chemical-free products by the consumers is considered to be one of the major drivers for this market. Increased awareness about the harmful effects of synthetic cosmetics on the skin has raised the bar for quality in the skincare domain and in turn, the market share for herbal skincare products on a global level. Mass market penetration is leading to introduction of new products and their retail across various regions. High focus on Research and Development has led to innovations and in the product line which has fueled up the market share of herbal skincare products in global market. High benefits obtained from herbal products is also supporting the sale of herbal skincare products globally.

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Major Companies:

  • Weleda AG (Swirtzerland),
  • The Himalaya Drug Company (India),
  • Renpure Organics (U.S.),
  • Tata’s Natural Alchemy, LLC (U.S.),
  • Arbonne International LLC (U.S.),
  • VLCC Health Care Limited (India),
  • S.W. Basics (U.S.)

The Global Herbal Skin Care Products Market is segmented on the basis of type, form, distribution channel and region.

Segmentation By Types : Comprises Face Care, Body Care and Other.

Segmentation By Form : Comprises Cream, Gel, Liquid, Powder, and other.

Segmentation By Distribution Channel : Comprises Supermarket/Hypermarket, Specialty Retailers, Convenience Stores, E-Commerce, and other.

Segmentation By Regions : Comprises Geographical regions – North America, Europe, APAC and Rest of the World.

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Among the various type of herbal skincare products, face care products are evaluated to hold a major share as wide range of products are available in this category attracting consumers towards the product line. Cream based herbal skincare products hold a dominant share based on convenience usage and easy storage properties. 

The report for Global Herbal Skincare Products Market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives a clear picture of the current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro-economic and governing factors in the market. This report provides a detailed information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different market segments and regions.

Pradeep Zende
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