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India POS Market Tracker, CY Q4

6wresearch Market Reports
India POS Market Tracker, CY Q4

According to 6Wresearch, India POS Market shipments volume reached 16,231units in CY Q4 2013, representing an increase of 8% over the previous quarter. Epson emerged as the market leader followed by CITIZEN and POSIFLEX. CITIZEN experienced a substantial increase of around 60% in terms of unit shipments in the current quarter. In the POS Terminals, POSIFLEX captured lion's share of the pie.


Key features of the report:

  • Total POS shipment in India
  • Market share by various players in various segments and specifications
  • Market by POS application
  • Shipments by market players
  • Model wise shipments by each company
  • Price of each model
  • Specifications covering: Printing Method, Printing Description, Resolution, Dimensions, Weight, Speed, Interface, Bluetooth, Paper Dimensions


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