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What Misconceptions Do Buyers Posses About Winter Tires?

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What Misconceptions Do Buyers Posses About Winter Tires?

Is it ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on having winter tires use in your car? It is a question that backs in mind every year.

The tire is the most important component of a vehicle. They are responsible for making vehicles to move, stop, and steer. Many drivers and owners take this for granted and don’t understand the basic engineering goes into them. The five misconceptions surrounding winter and all-season tires:

● All-season tires having better grip than winter tires:

All-season tires sacrifice traction on wet roads for better steering in the snow and in the freezing temperatures. They accomplish this trade-off by opting for materials that stay flexible at low temperatures but the loose grip on the road when the road was wet.

● Winter tires are only for snow not for all season:

The rubber and other components that go into winter tires keep flexible in temperatures below 45°F. The flexibility lets tires provide better vehicle handling and stopping.

● All-season tires work fine in the winter also:

All-season tires are good for mild weather changes. Their supple rubber lets them perform in freezing temperatures without becoming cracking and their deep tread makes driving in the snow and slush and snow safe.

● Winter tires are expensive:

Winter tires are cost-competitive with another kind of tire. It goes without saying that an extra set of tires comes with a price tag.

● You have the four-wheel-drive then you do not need winter tire: 

Four-wheel drive helps control the tires that why there is no need winter tire when you have a four-wheel-drive car.


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