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Six Tips For Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Hadriel Sam
Six Tips For Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

Little changes in your holiday eating habits won't Half Day Diet Review  take away your fun. But they will take away inches from your waistline. Even more importantly, they will model behavior for your children that will help them stay fit for a life time. These six ideas are easy to implement and will help you navigate through the holiday temptations.

1. Choose the smallest plate available and then only fill it half to three quarters full. Portion control allows you to eat the foods you truly love while discouraging you from over indulging and from filling your plate with items you could just as easily skip. You can even go back a second time with this method and still end up with less than a regular sized plate. You'll feel like you are really letting loose but the truth is you won't leave stuffed and regretful.

2. Prefer protein. Protein will help to keep your insulin from spiking the way it would on sugary carbs alone. It will stimulate the release of glucagon which helps prevent fat storage. Teach your children which foods are protein rich. Teach them that fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy and delicious. Steer clear of processed foods and empty calories and explain to your children why you are doing so.




Hadriel Sam
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