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The Financial Market Turmoil, Sri Mulyani Would Fix Protocol Crisis

Berita Terkini
The Financial Market Turmoil, Sri Mulyani Would Fix Protocol Crisis

financial Markets experienced a sharp decline due to the spread of corona virus which is constantly increasing outside of China and fears of an economic recession. The face of these conditions, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani asked the staff to menyempurkan protocol crisis.

"I'm perfect the protocols of the crisis. Although there are Laws the Financial System Stability Committee and many faced, we must keep in view the protocol to the crisis is adequate," said Sri Mulyani to the whole staffs in Jakarta, Tuesday (13/3).

the Refinement is necessary as a safety net for the financial sector. If the crisis is adequate, it can give peace to the market, economic actors, and policy makers.

this Article has been published in Katadata.co.id with the title "Financial Markets are Volatile, Sri Mulyani Would Fix Protocol Crisis" , https://katadata.co.id/berita/2020/03/13/pasar-keuangan-bergejolak-sri-mulyani-bakal-perbaiki-protokol-krisis
Author: Agatha Olivia Victoria
Editor: Agustiyanti

Berita Terkini
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