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How to Access Accounts & Passwords on iPad and iPhone

James Boond
How to Access Accounts & Passwords on iPad and iPhone

With every update, the software allows users to have a better experience in this technologically advanced world. So, following the same pattern, Apple has introduced a service where users can store the details of the different accounts and their passwords along with the autofill characteristics.

Over time, Apple has proven why it is the best product manufacturer and reliable brand all over the world. It always tries to create a product or a service without compromising the privacy of the user. It has achieved great success on the path to get more convenient and user-friendly experience without any security breach regarding the privacy of the user. One of the steps taken to improve the convenience is Storing and Managing the Accounts user name and Password. It helps users to fill the details for the website or the app automatically. With the help of this method, users can log in to that site or app with only some clicks.

As it helps users to log in to the Account any time, you have to make changes in the collection of data or adding a few more details in it.

Accessing the Location of stored Account Details and Password in the iPad and iPhone

  • Launch the Settings of the device.
  • Click on the Password and Account.
  • Click on the Website & App Passwords. To enter this screen, you have to authenticate yourself through the Touch ID or the Face ID.
  • After the authentication, you have to search for the required entry from the Search bar.
  • Click on the specific entry you want to change.
  • This step will lead to access to that Account and Password. Here, you can also know about the app or page for which this Account is useful. From here, you can copy the details of that Account too.
  • Copy anything Username / Email address or the Password if it seems necessary to you. For that tap on that for a bit longer and when you see the options Copy and Drop, then select the Copy.

Adding the Account and its Password

As you explore many different and new sites with time and you create new accounts in those sites too. Now, you wish to store the details of that new Account. If you have created the Account in the browser Safari, then it asks whether you wish to save the details or not. If you select yes, then you don’t have to do anything, the details will store in that specific data storing folder. But if you rejected the option, then you have to save the details manually in that folder. For that, you have to follow these steps:

  • Launch the Setting on your apple device.
  • Click on the Password and Account.
  • Now, select the Website and App Passwords. To enter this option, you have to authenticate yourself by Touch ID or Face ID.
  • Now, click on the + symbol located on the top of the screen on the right side.
  • In the new screen, you have to enter details such as Username, Password, and the website where these details belong to.
  • Now, you have to click on the Done button to save the entered data.

Deleting the Existing Accounts Details from Your Apple Details

If you wish to remove the excess or irrelevant Account and its details then you have to follow these steps:

  • Launch the Settings on your Apple device.
  • Click on the Password and Account.
  • Now, select the Website and App Passwords. To enter this option, you have to authenticate yourself by Touch ID or Face ID.
  • Click on the Edit button right next to the + button on the top right side of the screen.
  • Click for a bit longer on the desired accounts credential. You will notice marked circle will appear before that account detail. If you wish to delete multiple accounts, then select those too.
  • Now, you have to click on the Delete button located on the left corner of the screen.
  • Now, select Delete from the Warning Dialogue box.

Following these steps, the selected accounts credentials will be deleted, and when you go to that page, you will not see that credential option to choose from.

Ava Williams is a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. She writes about the latest updates regarding mcafee.com/activate and how it can improve the work experience of users. Her articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.

Source : iPhone

James Boond
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