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Refund for delayed flight with American Airlines - godhelpu.over-blog.com

Henna Watson
Refund for delayed flight with American Airlines - godhelpu.over-blog.com

did your flight get delayed ? If yes, then do not panic American airline provides easy refund in case their flight gets delayed. There can be many reason for a flight delay like fight maintenance, bad weather and so on. If a passenger needs to know about American airlines cancelled flight compensation or get refund for their delayed flight in American airlines then follow the below guidelines.

How to get refund for delayed flight with American Airlines?
Follow the below guidelines in order to get the refund for delayed flight

Passenger can claim for refunded amount if the plane arrives at the destination after three or more hours, or if there is cancellation of flight with less than 14 days without notice. Though this will not be true every time, there are some exceptions when there will be bad weather, which can’t be controlled by the airline.  So in the cases like these, the airline will not be responsible for the delay of the flight, and will not be liable for reimbursement.

If there is valid fault and  compensation, then follow these steps in order to get the compensation

The text above is a summary, you can read full article here

Henna Watson
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