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Metadata.io Named Leader in G2 Account-Based Advertising Software

MarTech Cube
Metadata.io Named Leader in G2 Account-Based Advertising Software

Metadata.io, the autonomous demand generation company, today announced it was named in the top leadership position in the G2 Summer 2020 Grid® Report for Account-Based Advertising Software.

This continues the recent accolades for the company, moving up since last year’s report and being named in several Summer 2020 reports as a leader or high performer. The top score is sourced from actual customer feedback and includes: estimated ROI, meets requirements, user adoption and likelihood to recommend.

Metadata was named a Leader based on receiving a high customer Satisfaction score and having a large Market Presence. Metadata.io received the highest Satisfaction score among products in Account-Based Advertising. 99% of users rated it 4 or 5 stars, 99% of users believe it is headed in the right direction, and users said they would be likely to recommend Metadata.io at a rate of 93%. Additionally, Metadata customers noted that they achieved positive ROI within just seven months compared to 12 – 31 months from competing platforms and the industry average of 16 months. Metadata is also in the Marketing Account Intelligence, Account-Based Analytics, and Account-Based Orchestration Platforms categories.

“Our customers are using Metadata to drive change in the industry, embracing autonomous software technologies to improve the way they execute their demand generation and ABM programs and leveraging technology to pinpoint audiences that are most likely to buy through scaled experimentation,“ Jason Widup, VP Marketing, Metadata. “We value our relationships with our customers and are honored to see this leadership spot from G2 for the Summer 2020 report and high scores for Metadata across repeated G2 reviews. We look forward to continuing to help our customers achieve faster ROI and leverage Metadata to efficiently scale their demand generation efforts.”

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