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How to maximise productivity at your home office

Zara Wilson

The Covid 19 Pandemic has changed the working style of people all over the world! Working from home has become the new norm! The central part of your work life has become the home office. For some people, there are no special place - Even the kitchen table works! But most people assign a specific room to be used as a home office away from distractions.

It certainly makes sense that we should make it a room we enjoy being in, and moreover, a room that gets us in a productive mood. How to maximize productivity at your home office is a question faced by many. Here are some hacks to maximize productivity at your home office from Asset Homes, eminent builders of flats and villas in Kochi.

Proper Lighting
A good home office should have plenty of natural light in. Not too much or none too less! Check out how you can arrange your office to get the most natural light on your workspace without glaring up your computer screen.

Painting the walls
Colours of walls in a room can influence your mood and some bold colours even cause more stress. If your home office walls in your flat in Kochi or villa in Kochi have been painted with an aggravating colour, re-paint it. Select a colour that puts you in a relaxed, productive mood.

Get some music going
Listening to music while working gives you a boost in productivity and creativity. Get some high-quality speakers attached to your computer and allot specific playlists for different kinds of work and concentration levels.

Declutter regularly
Living and operating in a mess is not good for productivity! Clutter can be highly distracting and you should declutter regularly. Organise things lying around like bills, papers, extra stationery into proper storage. Purge the unwanted items.

Get the right desk
A proper work table that accommodates all your work essentials is good to increase your productivity. Your eyes should be level with the top of the Computer screen and your forearms and shoulders should be able to rest comfortably on the work table.

Invest in a good Armchair
Never make compromises when it comes to finding a chair for your home office in your flats in Kochi  or villa in Kochi! As you are to spend nearly eight hours of your day on it, ensure that it is ergonomically designed to avoid back pains or cramps. You should be able to rest your feet on the ground while sitting. An adjustable chair is always your best choice.

Get a plant
Plants improve the ambience of a room! They are not just aesthetically pleasing, but they purify the air as well.

To book flats and villas in Kerala, contact us at Asset Homes, the first and only builder in Kerala to deliver 58 residential projects across 15 towns of Kerala, in just 12 years.


Zara Wilson
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