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Furniture Removal Surrey

Chums Clearanceseo
Furniture Removal Surrey

White Goods Removal is quite a specialist task as fridges and electrical goods require extra attention due to the elements within the white goods' component.

All of our staff are trained to remove white goods and wear all of the relevant protective clothing needed to do this. We also work closely with all of the registered waste removal dumps which have dedicated sections that deal with white goods recycling and disposal.

At Chums, we have a dedicated team and a fleet of purpose-built rubbish vans. We can take ad-hoc white goods requests, or if you have a larger project for us, we can accommodate that as well.

Our Services :

  • Waste Management

  • House Clearance

  • Recycling

  • Furniture Removal

  • Office Clearance

  • Garage Clearance

  • Loft Clearance

  • Construction Waste

Chums Clearanceseo
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