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Why Video Card Works

John Philip Cuevas
Why Video Card Works

Over the years, countless industries have been using traditional business cards to promote their products and services. It has become the predominant strategy to reach a wider audience without spending too much on advertising. Until video contents kicked in and were integrated into traditional business cards making way for videoCARDS and video brochures. 

What is a video business card or videoCARD?

A videoCARD or a video brochure is a marketing tool that integrates a video content about your product or service on a traditional business card or brochure handed over to your prospective client or customer. It’s a digital form of advertising to effectively communicate with your target market. 

VideoCARDS set the marketing world on fire. Who doesn’t watch videos nowadays though? According to a detailed study or report from HubSpot, 54% of consumers want to see videos from brands more than any other type of content. The results were based on 3,010 consumers from the US, Germany, Mexico, and Colombia who participated in the survey. And if you pay attention to the trend, video marketing is preferred by most bigger brands due to the popularity of streaming services on the world wide web and on how video contents entertain consumers and clients keeping them informed on your latest offering may it be via a streaming app or a video brochure.

But from a business standpoint, considering the fluctuating economy and market, are videoCARDS enough to leverage your brand?

Consider these 10 most notable reasons why your brand must use videoCARDS this 2020.

10 Reasons Why You Must Use videoCARDS

  1. It’s a new innovative way of sharing content. While the competition is getting tough on a daily basis, videoCARDS can set your business apart from the rest. 
  2. videoCARDS can be used on presentations and meetings too. This enhances your communication towards your target audience. A custom videoCARDS created for your business is a unique way of delivering your content on the meeting. 
  3. videoCARDS are tangible items easily handed to your clients since they are like foldable video brochures. 
  4. They are cost-effective allowing you to print and load videos in advance and are great for any occasion.
  5. videoCARDS can be customized by adding your business’ personal touch. This allows you to effectively reach your client in a memorable way.
  6. Integrating videos on your brochure increases the chance of your business to be remembered by your target market. 
  7. videoCARDS don’t require an internet connection or electricity since it’s battery-operated and rechargeable. 
  8. It engages your target market in a most sensible way. As soon as they receive the videoCARD, they are bound to open it out of curiosity. How much more if they see your video. 
  9. videoCARDS have a much stronger impact and recall thereby improving your business to a different level.
  10. Most importantly, videoCARDS increases trust and reliability since your clients and customers can see you the way you wanted to be seen.

Thoughts to Remember

The market changes rapidly! Whatever works today may not be as effective in the future. Businesses don’t have to rely on the current trend to stay on the battlefield. But rather evolve and be creative to stand out from the competition and survive. Though, the change may be temporary, one thing remains for sure - videoCARDS will always be relevant to your marketing strategy for today and tomorrow. 

John Philip Cuevas
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