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GNSS RTK Receiver

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GNSS RTK Receiver

With various connection methods, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, and internal radio, the RTK GNSS Receiver can be operated easier and more convenient. Also, working as an rtk base station, it supports full constellation satellite signals tracked simultaneously with 555 channels and can get stable and reliable location information in different environments.


What is an RTK?

RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) real-time dynamic measurement technology is a real-time differential GPS (RTDGPS) technology based on carrier phase observations. It is a breakthrough in the development of measurement technology. RTK consists of base station receivers, data links, and rover stations. The receiver consists of three parts.


How does it work?

RTK measurement is based on the relative positioning theory of GPS. One receiver is set at a known point (reference station), and the other or several receivers are placed at the point to be measured (mobile station) to synchronously collect the same satellite. signal. While the reference station receives GPS signals and performs carrier phase measurement, it transmits its observations, satellite tracking status, and station coordinate information to the mobile station through the data link; the RTK mobile station receives the data from the reference station through the data link, and then Use the built-in random real-time data processing software of the GPS controller and the GPS observation data collected by this machine to form the differential observation value for real-time processing, give the coordinates, elevation and actual measurement accuracy of the point to be measured in real-time, and compare the actual measurement accuracy with the preset accuracy index For comparison, once the measured accuracy meets the requirements, the handbook will prompt the surveyor to record the three-dimensional coordinates of the point and its accuracy.

For more information, you can visit our website page: https://www.satlab.com.se/product_category/gnss/.

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