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Trip to French Colony Pondicherry or Puducherry

Jake Travel
Trip to French Colony Pondicherry or Puducherry

Pondicherry is otherwise called Pondy or Puducherry. It is one of the seven association regions of India. It is alluded to as the French Colony Pondicherry.

furthermore, is the most enchanting spot in South India. Pondicherry or Puducherry is situated on the eastern shoreline of India, which holds its old magnificence in a great way. This town in the east gives you the total vibe of a French town directly from the food to the engineering. Truth be told, you can undoubtedly spot old French individuals wearing Indian clothing types wandering around the roads and strolling along Pondicherry sea shores. These individuals are really living in Pondicherry since ages abided into South Indian culture. You'll be stunned to realize that a great deal numerous individuals talk familiar French and there are French billboards around as well.

Jake Travel
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