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Dynamic Corporate Gift For Promotional Products

Seven Gift
Dynamic Corporate Gift For Promotional Products

Corporate Gift is more than just Malaysia'a biggest producer of Lanyards, we truly are #1 for promotional products and corporate Gifts in Malaysia. We produce a massive range of promotional items and branded business gifts, with our very own in-house design team. 

Aside from having 5000+ carefully selected and curated premium gift items in our collection, we can’t be beaten on price, quality or turnaround time. our quality products which include lanyards, USB drives, banners and marquees will not disappoint even the most stringent of requirements. From our concept design service to our rapid production turnaround our team are 100% committed to ensuring you get the exact product you desire. We also custom produce Corporate Gift Supplier key chains, lapel pins and even medals for sporting awards and events.


We control all of our branded Premium Gift Items quality in house and we don’t source or manufacture a product unless we can back it’s quality. If metal isn’t your thing try our range of umbrellas, or even pens and office stationery.

▶Call Us : +6010-8777 078

Visit Us : https://www.sevengifts.com.my

Seven Gift
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