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What is Google Adwords for?

Arun Kumar - Digital Marketing and SEO Expert
What is Google Adwords for?

Today we are going to try to explain what Google Adwords is for and how the advertising that we can do on the Google platform is focused.

What is Google Adwords for?

Let's get to the point. What it is for and how it can help improve your Google Adwords sales :

Google Adwords is the largest advertising platform in the world, and it has many variants when it comes to promoting your business by digital marketing agency. Let's try to explain them briefly:

    • Adwords Search: It is the best known leg of Google. Thousands of companies in the world use it for their customers to find them. Basically and as a summary, it is about what the clients who are looking through the Google search engine will see the ads of the companies that are advertised. Surely knowing it or not, these ads have appeared looking for something on Google. Well that's exactly Google Adwords Search. Then we will go into more detail about it.


    • Google Display: It is another of the Google variants, although less known. Google, through the multitude of pages that are part of its Adsense network, has small spaces on many of the pages we visit regularly. These spaces are given by the owners of the pages and based on the number of visits they receive they can earn income. There are many people who, thanks to their blogs, and offering their knowledge, receive visits to their pages to make their content profitable. You, taking advantage of the Google Display segmentation options, can put your banners on those pages, and take advantage of the power to carry out a very powerful branding.


    • Display Remarketing: Through previous Google Display campaigns, Google offers us the possibility of re-impacting users with the same or new Banners. It is important to note that it is through Cookies that we obtain the necessary information to be able to show our advertising to the users of our website.


    • Gmail Ads: Through Display, and using different settings, you can send new offers from your businesses or pages to the inboxes of your potential customers. It is a tool still unknown to many, although very powerful to reach an audience by segmenting through the emails they usually receive in their inbox.


    • Youtube Ads: You already know that YouTube is part of the Google Group, which is another of the variants that they offer us to be able to advertise. We can do it through Display Banners (we've seen it before) or directly through the ads option on YouTube. The key to this platform is that it is ideal to show that visual and attractive content that offers brands to carry out the most powerful Marketing. The low cost of this platform means that we can impact many people at a moderate cost. The problem? Correct: We need a video that meets the required characteristics, and is also of sufficient quality to attract users to our page.


    • Google Shopping: If you have an online store and you want to sell your products, you can use Google Shopping. Through your prestashop, magento or wordpress page, through a feed, you can upload your products to Google and at a lower cost than pure searches, appear in the first results. Ideal for e-commerces that want to boost their sales.

    Why isn't everyone doing Google Adwords if it's so easy to appear?

    We answer this question is clear. There are many reasons:

    1. Not everyone who accesses our page ends up buying or calling. Those that do, if we divide it by the number of clicks or visitors we have, we get the% conversion .
    2. Depending on the location or type of business, the cost per click can vary greatly . If, for example, you have an urgent services company, and you show up at 3 in the morning, you must be willing to pay for a click that exceeds € 15. Obviously, whoever advertises there also knows that customers convert more, due to urgency, and that they too can charge more.
    3. There are sectors in which it is not profitable to appear: Imagine that I sell a product that is worth € 30 and that the click is € 0.60. If I only manage to sell one out of every 100 clients that access my page, it is costing me to sell a product € 60 (100 × € 0.60) with which I earn much less. It is for that reason that it is necessary to be very clear about what the margins are and what capacity to compete in the online market my products have.

    Position your business in Google with Adwords Search

    There is nothing more powerful to sell than when customers who are looking for something see you, and you show them that you have what they need. The main feature of Google Search is that you only pay for the Clicks that customers make on your ad, so if your configuration is excellent you can make one of the most profitable advertising channels.

Arun Kumar - Digital Marketing and SEO Expert
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