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Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton- Business Investor

Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton
Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton- Business Investor

Jamie Goldstein is the Founder of Pillar, a new founder-friendly VC fund in Boston. Pillar’s team includes 16 world-class CEOs from Boston's most well-known tech companies, including Wayfair, Rapid7, TripAdvisor, and DraftKings. All are investors, advisors, and board members to Pillar’s portfolio companies. Jamie’s vision is to change the traditional venture capital structure to better align an equitable and transparent relationship between founders and investors.

For over 18 years, Jamie served as a General Partner at North Bridge Venture Partners (NBVP), focusing on software, data center infrastructure, wired and wireless communications technologies, and advanced materials investments. . Jamie’s active investments include Actifio, Plexxi, Layer3 TV, QD Vision, and O3b Networks. Jamie is also an active individual investor; his most recent notable investments include DipJar and Desktop Metal.

Prior to NBVP, Jamie, co-founded PureSpeech, a speech recognition software company acquired by Voice Control Systems and subsequently sold to Nuance.

Jamie is a graduate of MIT in Electrical Engineering and the Harvard Business School.

Jamie Goldstein Boca Raton
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