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Nebosh IGC Safety Training in madurai

Nebosh IGC Safety Training in madurai



Hearing Assessment

A hearing assessment is an in-depth assessment of one separate person hearing by a qualified audiologist. The moto is to determine the nature and degree of a hearing loss and the best treatment choices available to that person. People in and around Chennai main areas i.e. Nungambakkam, kodambakam, mylapore, alwarpet, T nagar, royapettah , thousand light and saidapet can come forward for the test  and under the proper guidance from our assessment team, various tests will be conducted by the doctors at  Hearing aid centre in chennai and evaluated precisely.

Hearing Aid Dispenser

hearing aid dispenser (hearing instrument specialist) is a person licensed to sell hearing aid products. Hearing aid is in the interpretation of hearing assessment instrumentation, hearing aid electronics, specifications, analysis and modifications. All the professionals from our hearing clinic have huge experience in suggesting the right instrument to the clients . At  hearing care centre, people can consult our doctors regarding hearing problems and get ISO certified instruments from our specialist to overcome the issue.

Paediatric Audiology

Paediatric Audiology Services offered by denoc, Hearing aid Centre in chennai include Specialist hearing assessment from newborn babies to adolescents, Fitting of hearing aids, Evaluation of progress with hearing aids, Assessment for cochlear implantation and other specialist hearing aids as appropriate for the young patients. Our professionals at hearing aid care would understand the current condition of our patient and we will make sure all the necessary services under Paediatric Audiology is followed and done completely.

Why we need hearingaid ?

A hearing aid is a small electronic device that you wear in or behind your ear. It makes some sounds louder so that a person with hearing loss can listen, communicate, and participate more fully in daily activities. A hearing aid can help people hear more in both quiet and noisy situations.

  1. Increased Earning Power

Did you know that wearing hearing aids can actually increase your earning power? Research by the Better Hearing Institute found that untreated hearing loss can reduce annual earnings by as much as $30,000. The study also found that correcting hearing loss with hearing aids was found to reduce the risk of decreased earnings by over 90 percent for people with mild hearing loss, and nearly 77 percent for those with moderate-to-severe hearing loss.

  1. Slow Cognitive Decline

Several studies have linked untreated hearing loss to an increased risk of developing dementia and reduced cognitive functioning. The decline appears greatest for those who do not wear hearing aids to correct hearing loss. A study from the University of Pennsylvania found that reduced hearing loss can actually accelerate atrophy in the auditory areas of the brain making speech understanding more difficult. The good news is that researchers have found that hearing aids help decrease atrophy while increasing hearing ability. The exciting new research further supports that treating hearing loss with hearing aids may slow




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