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Best Alternatives of Diawi in 2021 - InstallOnAir

Install on Air
Best Alternatives of Diawi in 2021 - InstallOnAir

The Install On Air tool is one of the emerging apps and the most preferred app compared to any other deployment App presently in the market. This robust platform allows developers to distribute their iOS and Android apps and install it over the air. Once the app is installed in the air, you will get a sharable link which can be shared with your clients, friends, developers & testers, etc.

The process is pretty simple you simply have to upload your file in IPA format for iOS and APK format for Android>> Submit the app to get the installation link >> Share the link or use it for your own device >> Open the link in their respective device.

This definitely curtails your time in getting your app ready for testing purpose and moreover the tool is absolutely FREE.

Visit: https://www.installonair.com

Install on Air
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