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IFB washing machine repair Centre in Bangalore

hameed shaik
IFB washing machine repair Centre in Bangalore

IFB washing machine repair Centre  in Mumbai. Washing machine is a home appliance used to wash laundry. The term is mostly applied to machines that use water as opposed to dry cleaning or ultrasonic cleaners. The user adds laundry detergent, which is solid in liquid or powder form, to the wash water. The washing is of different types such as top-load washing machine, front-load washing machine, semi-automatic washing machine, fully-automatic washing machine. Any type of washing machine is repaired in our service center. And all types of spare parts are available in our service center. You can contact us at any time as we are available 24/7. If you have any kind of trouble with your washing machine just contact. We here immediately provide our technicians. All types of quality spare parts such as round washing machine buffer, washing machine timer, water tap connector, washing machine pipes, PCB, outlet hose pipe, and many more are available.  Contact us: 8106660022, 18008918106. Moreover we also provide warranty. Our service center provides a 30 days warranty for the general services. And a 90 days warranty for the spare parts. 

hameed shaik
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