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Create Your Own Fundraising DeFi Token Protocol

zaara hary
Create Your Own Fundraising DeFi Token Protocol

What is SafeMoon?

SafeMoon is an open-source DeFi protocol that provides easy trading through three simple functions such as reflection, LP Acquisition, and Burn.
As the name's expansion "Safely to the Moon" makes itself a DeFi Token.
As it was launched in March 2021, this SafeMoon is being a demandable crypto token in the market as Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

SafeMoon Specification

Currency Price : $0.000005063
Market Cap : $2,964,366,637
Founder/CEO : John Karony
Total Supply of Token: 1 quadrillion tokens

SafeMoon Clone Development

The process of developing a DeFi Protocol like SafeMoon to launch your own DeFi based fundraising platform with Governance Token like SafeMoon Token with options to trade with three simple functions as like in SafeMoon such as Reflection, LP Acquisition, & Burn is known as SafeMoon Clone Development.

For a free Demo and to know the exact price of our SafeMoon Clone Script, Contact our Experts Now !!

zaara hary
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