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Shrink Wrapping Machine In India

Smart Pack
Shrink Wrapping Machine In India

This heat Shrink Wrapping Machine produces a package of 3 to 4 packs per minute, in which the package, the dimensions of 450 mm, a length of 300 mm, a width of 350 mm, and height. In addition, a shrink packaging machine, glasses case, and is perfect for a bottle of the ingredients, not the glass stopper, glass, pop cans, a bottle of water and some drinks. Shrink Wrapping Machine In India is very much useful for the packaging and preservation of food products such as fruits, paper products, medicine, and salted food products, cosmetics, spare parts, equipment, books, and boxes. In addition to this, the shrinking of the equipment is also very useful for the application of PVC plastic, polyethylene shrink film. It is mainly composed of three parts and is capable of packing containers, of glass, of a volume of 200 ml to 2 liters per day.

Smart Pack
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