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How to Use Bluebeam Revu for Civil Engineering Projects

NOAR Technologies
How to Use Bluebeam Revu for Civil Engineering Projects

Construction projects require complex modeling to ensure that all of the designs and work that goes into a building are accurate. Being able to visualize the work helps eliminate simple mistakes. Bluebeam Revu is one of the leading software systems in the construction industry and excels at handling vertical development projects. However, it can also be used for civil engineering projects, which are often completed as long, ground-level projects. In this article, we discuss how to use Bluebeam Revu for civil engineering projects.

The Basics of Bluebeam Revu

Bluebeam Revu is a leading software choice because it makes project management much easier. It is used to collect, hold, analyze, and distribute project documents. By keeping everything in one place, it is easier for teams to share information, collect new data, and keep the project moving. Bluebeam Revu is cloud-based, so the data is accessible anywhere.


Because Bluebeam Revu has several internal components that you can configure, it is possible to create a template system for different clients. You can use this in a powerful way to create client-specific workflows. When a new project starts, you’ll have a system in place to guide the work for individual clients.

You can also create Bluebeam sets in studio, which are collections of documents that are related to each other. Sets is a more effective way of grouping documentation so that teams can open all related documents at the same time. Bluebeam sets make workflows faster and easier to manage.

Creating workflows involves designing standardized markups and processes for each of the clients. That way, anyone that works on the project will have a set of standardized markups and other features to work with. It makes it easier for anyone to work on a project without having to create a new template for that project each time.

Perfect for Lighter Workloads

In construction, developing CAD models is an important part of construction, but it is also resource intensive and time consuming. Civil engineering jobs usually do not contain CAD drawings because they are most useful on projects with a defined work area. Civil engineering projects can take up a very large area, making CAD drawings less feasible.

In cases where CAD is not a good option, Revu is a better option. You can create drawings of the work area without using CAD, and mark them up as needed in Revu. It is less resource intensive while still getting your point across. You can also share more drawings in less time since Revu is set up to quickly make and markup documents.

Revu is Optimized for Mobile Devices

One of the best features of Revu is that it is optimized to work in the field. It is designed to conserve resources and work well on laptops and tablets. That way, construction teams can access all of the data that they need in the field. You can keep your drawings and other documents secure and safe from accidents while still letting your teams access what they need when they need it.

Different Versions of Revu to Fit Your Needs

Bluebeam Revu comes in different versions to fit your specific needs. The most common choices are Bluebeam standard, Bluebeam CAD, and Bluebeam Revu Extreme. There are several other builds, like Bluebeam Studio for specialized needs. Bluebeam CAD integrates CAD into Bluebeam so that you can create 2D and 3D documents. Bluebeam Revu Extreme is the highest tear package and gives you access to automation features. If you are unsure of which one is right for you, contact NOAR Technologies at (248) 906-2375 for help making that determination.


NOAR Technologies
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