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Know About Hindu Astrology & Kundli Milan: Ask Jyotish

Know About Hindu Astrology & Kundli Milan: Ask Jyotish



Hindu astrology is that vital a part of lives since its inception. it's assisting people in adopting the proper path in life. The predictions of Indian astrology help people in taking the last word decision associated with money, health, marriage, career, finance and lot more. Jyotish not only solves the mystery associated with the causes of the problem but also suggests the measure to beat them. The role of Hindu astrology starts within the lifetime of a person when the kid takes birth. Indian horoscope is ready on the idea of the precise time of a child's birth. The alienating time of a kid from the mother's duct is envisaged as the exact time of birth. Besides timing, location is included for preparing the horoscope. Both of those factors decide the rising of particular signs and planets. Kundli gives vital clues about the destiny of a person on the idea of the position of a planet, especially a house. In Vedic Astrology, planets indicate the past activities of a person. It also gives an outline of the probability of certain activities in your future.


Kundli Milan may be a comparison between two natal charts. Kundli Milan is employed in Vedic Astrology to see the compatibility of two individuals to possess an enchanted and successful marriage. kundli matching is that the most vital factor taken into consideration while moving ahead with a wedding proposal. Matching Kundli of prospective bride and groom will allow them to skills stars influence their marriage and what remedial measures got to be taken to make sure eternal marital bliss. this is often also why Hindu astrology emphasis Janam Kundali Milan before a few tie the knot. Whether it’s done by your family Jyotish, or parents, Kundali matching for marriage is a crucial aspect of a Hindu wedding.


Palmistry is to gauge and analyze the general development and direction of life consistent with the length, thickness of fingers, the shape, color and pattern of the palm. Palmprint is exclusive for everybody. Palmistry during this app takes photos of palms, uses AI analysis to spot fingers and palm information, depicts palmprint lines like a lifeline, emotion line, intelligence line, career line, etc., carries out professional analysis combined with modern algorithms, and provides detailed reports.


Different palmprint controls different areas:

Lifeline controls the energy, health and overall quality of life of the body.

The emotional line, controls emotional life, partner's situation and marriage outcome.

The Wisdom line, controls the entire personality thinking, character, etc.

The business line controls business development and wealth accumulation.



Hindu Astrology and Kundli Milan or Astrology and Palmistry get in one single app

Download: https: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dmc.astro

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