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Modular Kitchen Design Trends post lockdown

Alan Waler
Modular Kitchen Design Trends post lockdown

While the world is fighting with a deadly Coronavirus pandemic, staying home and safe is the only preventive approach that seems to be the only way out. And a healthy and empowering home setup is the key to a secure home-bound experience. Amidst increasing social change, remote working pressures, and the household tasks of cooking and cleaning, there continues to be a growing awareness of eating fresh, healthy, and home-cooked meals.

Modular kitchen in Delhi - The need for the Modular Kitchen Manufacturers to be able to handle all the chores without external help. Under such situations, there has been growing popularity, and demand for smart modular kitchens, with integrated appliances, is expanding.

Given below I have listed some key benefits provided by smart modular kitchen designs that are making it easier for homeowners to manage the day to day tasks with efficiency, safety, security, and comfort:


Unique design and efficient Storage: One of the most prominent benefits of having a modular kitchen is its compact design that allows for efficient use of space, both in terms of square footage and compartmentalized stacks integrated into the design. Moreover, with cabinets and pull-out accessories, these are effectively produced to meet the customized needs of individual apartments, ideal for large or nuclear families.


Classy Aesthetics: While the functionality and compactness execute the modular kitchen effectively, the aesthetics serves to produce a vibrant ambiance to the house. With the current trend of Traditional kitchen designs catching up, today's colors come in subtle shades or English shades such as white and grey to vibrant peppy shades of blue and green, providing a personality that is a picture of the residents.


Easy to clean: During tough times of coronavirus, hygiene home has become predominant, particularly in the kitchen area. Modular kitchen setups that use easy to clean, reliable, flexible, durable, and sturdy material, are gaining prominence. However, with clear and practical designs, there are no long-drawn unreachable niches and corners where food or pests can harbor. From granite countertops and laminate-covered cabinets to utilizing composite materials, including marbles, granite, stone, and glass with anti-microbial sheets are also being used to produce low maintenance, healthy, classy, and hygienic modular kitchens.


Integrated cooking appliances: From chimney, microwaves, fridge,  juicer, exhaust, blenders, and water purifiers to now even dishwashers, kitchen designs are rapidly growing to help make lockdown a smooth operation for those who are stuck at home. Moreover, the modular kitchen design allows for clean-cut edges with minimum difficulties, guaranteeing built-in tools can be installed anywhere, as per individual choice and preference. Aside from comfort, built-in appliances also help create more working space, by ensuring compact design and ease of access.


A combined dishwasher in the kitchen fixings provides fast and efficient cleaning of containers ensuring the kitchen, sink, and surrounding area is effectively clean with no remaining food for insects or pests. It also allows for sanitizing while cleaning the containers.


Modular kitchen in Delhi - Today, India battles the most dangerous health crisis with a lockdown and home quarantine as the most effective and powerful prevention against germs, viruses, and an increasing number of individuals are waking up to the importance of a well-equipped modular kitchen.

For more information about  Wardrobe Inside Design please visit: At wudleymodularkitchens.

Alan Waler
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