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Food on Train During COVID: Precautions You Must Take

Food on Train During COVID: Precautions You Must Take

Precautions have been enacted across the country to prevent people from assembling in restaurants and at food stalls in the wake of COVID-19. This has escalated the use of online food delivery apps. During the pandemic, train travellers had also switched to train food delivery rather than buying food from the platform food stalls and station-side sellers.

IRCTC e-catering food providers like RailRestro and RailMitra provide outstanding advantages to the passenger to get safe and hygienic food in train. All of this is possible because of FSSAI-approved food aggregators who strictly adhere to food safety and quality rules carefully and take extra precautions to deliver train food during COVID.

Is It Safe To Order Online Food In Train During COVID?

Some questions must be troubling you before planning a train trip like “How To Safely Order Food During COVID?”, “Is Food Available In Train During COVID 19” and “Can We Order Food In Trains During COVID?”. The answer to all these questions is that food delivered by train food delivery app is completely safe, hygienic, pure and delicious.

Indian railway e-catering provides significant advantages over other food options in the present coronavirus outbreak. During this pandemic, you can't rely on train pantry and food stalls. The evident complaints about the quality and hygiene made the people discontinue buying food from these food outlets.

Only the E-catering service can guarantee you hygienic and fresh food while onboard. E-catering is acting as a boon for passengers during COVID. Bringing food to your train seat involves a complete supply chain, with each restaurant and delivery partner operating with food hygiene-sterilization plans in its own unique and safest way. Only FSSAI approved restaurants are the partners of IRCTC e-catering, which follows the best food hygiene practices.

A quality check and food safety review are regularly done to ensure that the food you get from an e-catering partner is completely free from viruses and good for consumption.

RailRestro App: Safest option for Food in Trains During COVID

RailRestro, the IRCTC-authorized e-catering service provider, is taking stronger measures to reduce the risk of infection in delivering Food in Trains During COVID. It includes issuing health and safety standards for its authorized food aggregators & vendors so that you ward away your food concern when you order your favourite meals from RailRestro.

It is taking additional care for proper food hygiene and sanitization. The quality and hygiene standards it offers is unmatchable and superlative. It is taking every precaution to deliver the best food to train passengers such as sanitizing the kitchen, wearing masks, and opting for contactless food delivery.

Strict guidelines have been shared out with all its restaurant partners and delivery boys. Regular follow-ups are made to ensure that all vendors are following COVID instructions and maintaining food safety properly.

Online Food In Train During COVID: Safety Precautions By Restaurant Vendors

RailRestro food partners and delivery boys are following COVID safety protocols in the following ways:

  • Wearing Masks and Gloves: All staff members engaged in food preparation always wear a mask and gloves.
  • Health Check-Up: All staff members have to undergo a health check-up every day, and if anyone is suffering from fever, cough, cold, sneeze and other diseases, they are required to rest at home and are not allowed to serve passengers.
  • Frequent Hand Wash: All staff wash their hands properly and regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and then clean them with an alcohol-based sanitizer on a frequent basis.
  • Sanitizing Kitchen: Kitchens and utensils are cleaned and sanitized routinely with a good quality sanitizing solution.
  • Proper Sealed Packaging: After the food is prepared, it is packed in a completely sealed package to prevent contamination from outside agents.
  • Washing and Cooking: Before using, vegetables are thoroughly washed, and the meal is cooked at a higher temperature to kill viruses.
  • Contactless Delivery: When delivering food, delivery boys will make sure there is no contact with passengers. It is advised that they leave the food on the berth and request the passengers to take it.
  • Contactless Payment: It allows passengers to pay for your food order online using digital payment options like net banking, Paytm, etc. It eliminates the physical transfer of cash, which can potentially foster the virus.

Remove your food from its packaging as soon as it arrives and sterilise your hands immediately. This dramatically mitigates the chance of the virus spreading from food package to your hands. Washing your hands before eating will help you to enjoy your food safely.

Order Food In Train During COVID with RailRestro App

Even in these extreme situations, RailRestro strives to provide you with healthy, high-quality, and safe meals for all your Indian train journeys. Download the RailRestro app to safely order food during COVID online through contactless delivery and enjoy your delicious and hygienic food at your train seat.

There is no harm in ordering food from an authorized IRCTC catering partner. They take enough precautions and safety measures to avoid the transmission of Coronavirus or any other infection. However, it is advised that you take the safety precautions discussed in this article to stay safe and enjoy your journey while travelling by train.

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