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3 Gift Ideas For Baby Boys On Their Third Birthday

Canada’s Gift Baskets
3 Gift Ideas For Baby Boys On Their Third Birthday

Is your baby boy turning 3? Are you very excited about his birthday and thinking about what you should buy for him? If that is the case, then you do not need to worry because you will find some of the best gift basket stores in town for giving the best gifts to your baby boy. There are plenty of baby gift baskets available in reputed gift basket stores. You will just need to find the right one that will suit the age group of your baby boy and prepare the gift accordingly for his birthday. 

Now, if you are falling short on ideas about what you can gift your baby boy on his birthday, here are three ideas:

1. Car set

It is no longer a gender stereotype that boys love to play with cars and girls love playing with dolls. However, if you are trying to find out the interests of your baby boy, then you can try giving them a car set. You will find plenty of car-sets available on the internet, and they will have a varied range of prices. The prices of these cars will mostly depend upon the car model and the prototype, especially if it is imitating any movie or game. Give him cars and dolls and find out what piques his interests the most.

2. Picture books

If you are looking for unisex and non-gendered base gifts, then you can give them picture books. Your three-year-old baby boy must have already started learning numbers and words and maybe also talking properly with the adults. However, the amount of words he is learning is limited, and he can also recognize only limited items. To enhance his cognitive power, you can add picture books to the baby gift baskets that you get him for his third birthday.

3. Children's bike

When your baby boy turns 3, you can get the children's bike which will help him explore the world. Although the world of toddlers and small children is limited to the park, playschool, and the home, a children's bike will help him learn many. Your boy might also develop good balance on the bike and will be able to learn to cycle much more easily later on. Furthermore, availing for your child's motor ability helps develop the body and the brain. So, you don't need to think twice before buying your baby boy a children's bike.

Toy instruments are also very helpful in the learning and development of the child in their early stage. You will get other gifts like baby gift baskets in Canada from popular gift basket stores. However, check the exchange and return policy before you purchase any gift item for a gift basket from them!

Justin Reigns is the author of this article. For more details about Gift Delivery in Toronto please visit our website: canadasgiftbaskets.ca

Canada’s Gift Baskets
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