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Know more about IRS tax penalties

Know more about IRS tax penalties

There are multiple types of penalties the IRS can penalize a taxpayer. If you file your tax return late, the IRS will assess you for failure to file a penalty. If you do not pay your taxes by the due date, the IRS will assess you for failure to pay penalty. A Houston tax attorney at Kreig Mitchell LLC will assist you in compiling your penalty abatement request and establishing reasonable cause to have the penalties waived. We helped taxpayers deal with the IRS for several years. You will gain the expertise of licensed tax attorneys, CPAs, enrolled agents, and tax agents when you let us explore erasing IRS tax penalties and interest rates, along with other tax problems that are creating a huge burden in your life. We can get you IRS tax relief through tax penalty abatement. Contact Houston CPA and attorney to file your tax returns. Call (713) 909-4906.

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