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Fusion Restaurant, Friday Brunch & Arabian Nights in Al Jaddaf, Dubai

Fusion Restaurant, Friday Brunch & Arabian Nights in Al Jaddaf, Dubai

Are you looking for best Fusion Restaurant, Friday Brunch & Arabian Nights in Al Jaddaf, Dubai? S19 hotel is one of the top restaurant in al jaddaf which offers the best dining experience catering to your food needs. Reserve a Table Online. 

Fusion Restaurant in dubai

S19 Hotel is one of the top fusion restaurants in dubai, designed with the aim of catering to your food needs, when you need it, whenever you need it.

Friday Brunch

Friday Brunch in dubai — Savor a superb Friday Brunch with a curated menu
of choice dishes from the orient to the West with live cooking stations. Taste the finest flavors and feast on
an all-you-eat buffet.

Arabian Nights

Arabian Nights Restaurant — Arabian Nights showcase Middle Eastern cuisine, charm, and hospitality. Steeped in tradition, and cooked with exotic spices, this Emirati / GCC Cuisine Night aims to delight local patrons with dishes such as Hummus, Mutable, Fattouh, Fattoush labneh with mint lobelia, Baljit Eggplant Mushka, Feta cheese, and Zaatar tomato salad.

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