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Growing Demand for Food Packaging Propelling Coding and Marking System Sales

Aryan Kumar
Growing Demand for Food Packaging Propelling Coding and Marking System Sales

As per the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA), the global automobile industry loses nearly $12.0 billion every year due to sales of counterfeit products, such as compression systems, lighting systems, steering linkages, suspension components, brake pads, and batteries. To combat this financial loss, vehicle manufacturers are increasingly using coding and marking systems to code part numbers or put anti-counterfeit labels on vehicle parts. Automobile manufacturers are currently opting for invisible yet scannable anti-counterfeiting printing inks and barcodes to combat the threat of counterfeits.

Apart from the automobile sector, the food and beverages industry is also using coding and marking systems in abundance, due to the burgeoning sales of bottled water, packaged food, dairy products, and fruit juices. Thus, the booming demand for such food items is expected to fuel the coding and marking systems market at a CAGR of 6.4% during 2020–2030. According to P&S Intelligence, the market revenue stood at $3,832.4 million in 2019, and it is projected to reach $7,469.6 million by 2030.

Additionally, the rising demand for pharmaceutical packaging, primarily on account of the escalating awareness among manufacturers on the advantages of citing drug information on the packaging and increasing penetration of special and blister packaging in the industry, is creating a huge requirement for coding and marking systems. Furthermore, the electrical and electronics, chemicals, and aerospace sectors are using such systems to print and mark their metal, plastic, paper, and cardboard materials, products, and components.

Geographically, Asia-Pacific (APAC) dominated the coding and marking systems market in the recent past, and it is expected to retain its position in the coming years as well. This can be credited to the rising food production, toughening government regulations regarding printing materials, and surging export of packaged food items from the region. Moreover, the soaring penetration of piracy and counterfeiting in most of the industries of APAC will fuel the adoption of coding and marking systems in the forthcoming years.

Thus, the booming demand for packaged food items and beverages and increasing penetration of counterfeit automotive parts will amplify the usage of coding and marking systems in the foreseeable future.

Aryan Kumar
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