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Entertainment Robots are designed for the pleasure of their owners and are usually used at exhibition shows in order to attract media attention

Vivek Vishwakarma
Entertainment Robots are designed for the pleasure of their owners and are usually used at exhibition shows in order to attract media attention

The word "entertainment robots" may conjure up images of the future or even science fiction. They are, nonetheless, a reality today, particularly those designed to perform activities similar to those of the well-known "comfort dolls" or "loosely clad dolls." In fact, entertainment robots are the modern version of traditional stereo goods that allow users to listen to music through a machine that plays audio CDs. People who enjoy music and wish to have the best sound machine at home have grown enamoured with them.

Simply put, an entertainment robot is a robotic android that isn't built for commercial, domestic, or utilitarian purposes, but rather for the pure enjoyment of humans. As such, it primarily serves its owners, visitors, or consumers. entertainment robots are mechanical androids that are programmed to play people's favourite music, with additional capabilities such as dancing, making faces, and conversing.

Read More: https://bit.ly/3pcvOot

Vivek Vishwakarma
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