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These 5 Unique Activities Will Make You Feel Great

These 5 Unique Activities Will Make You Feel Great

Singapore may be a small island nation, but fitness fanatics can find plenty of unique activities to participate in. In recent years, a number of new activities have sprouted, and many people have flocked to them in quest of new experiences and holistic wellness. If you want to get in shape in ways other than the traditional ones, here are five fun workouts that have recently become popular.


If you're looking for a different kind of yoga, this is the place to go.

Many yoga variations have recently arisen, and Floatfit takes the exercise to the pool, where you mount a floating platform that is anchored to the swimming lanes' ropes. You can do yoga or HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts while on this platform.


For people who enjoy spending time in the pool

AquaSpin entails pedaling underwater, albeit on a stationary bike, as well as HIIT and circuit exercises, as the name implies. AquaSpin is supposed to burn three times more calories than cycling on land, and it also has the added benefit of being a zero-impact workout.


For those who enjoy the beach

Although Stand-up Paddling (SUP) has been there for a few years in Singapore, it has only recently gained popularity among fitness aficionados. SUP is a hybrid of canoeing and surfing that needs you to stand on a board and manoeuvre around the water using huge paddles. This outdoor sport is particularly good for strengthening your core muscles.


In the case of the "garang" athlete

The annual Spartan Race, which was first held in Singapore in 2015, has quickly become one of the most important events on many people's fitness calendars. The race, which spans a few kilometres and includes more than a dozen obstacles, is a demanding cardio and muscle workout. Prepare to crawl through mud, climb ropes, and even jump over a fire mound of logs.


While having a good time, remember to protect your eyes.

When you exercise outdoors, you are exposed to ultraviolet rays, which can damage your eyes. When exercising in a pool, there is the possibility that your eyes will come into contact with chlorine, which can wear away the protective film that protects the cornea. When you exercise at sea,  salt and bacteria  in open water can affect your eyes

Therefore, it is important that you take steps to protect your eyes with BRAND`S® Berry Essence. BRAND`S® Berry Essence consists of a delicious blend of seven premium berries from Europe and America and is a convenient way to strengthen your vision. The drink This easy-to-drink essence contains essential nutrients such as zinc and vitamins A, C and E that keep your eyes healthy, as well as pectin, a soluble fiber that reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

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