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Backup iPhone to iCloud

Sora Solutions Services
Backup iPhone to iCloud

Everyone with an iCloud account gets 5GB of iCloud storage by default. In case something happens to your iPhone, iCloud backups can save your texts, images, contacts, and apps. If you wish to buy more, you can do so easily, but we'll leave that for now.

Although 5GB of storage is insufficient to make iCloud your primary storage. It is plenty for keeping iCloud backups, assuming you don't have too many images (you can use Google Photos for free backups of your iPhone photos to make more room for your iCloud backups).

Every Apple user should have iCloud backups enabled on their iPhone because everyone has at least 5GB of iCloud storage.

Steps to Backup your iPhone with iCloud 30

  1. First of all, go to your iPhone's Settings app.
  2. Your name and contact photo should appear at the top of the Settings app.
  3. This will take you to your iCloud account's settings, where you may manage your devices, change Family Sharing, and so on. We're going to use the iCloud option for our purposes.
  4. You'll find a list of everything you can sync with iCloud here; any option you enable will sync across all of your devices. If you have more than 5GB of iCloud storage, this is useful (and recommended), but if you have 5GB, keep a few of these switched on as possible so you can focus on backups.
  5. Scroll down to iCloud Backup and press it.
  6. You'll notice a switch here that you may tap to enable iCloud backups for your device. The switch will become green after you press it.
  7. You may receive a popup alerting you that iTunes backups will no longer be performed; this is good because you will no longer require iTunes backups. If you get this popup, go ahead and tap Ok.
  8. You may receive a popup alerting you that iTunes backups will no longer be performed; this is good because you will no longer require iTunes backups. If you get this popup, go ahead and tap Ok.
  9. You'll now see an option to back up your iPhone right now. You can and should do this because it will immediately begin storing your iPhone data. If you don't, your iPhone will back up to iCloud the next time it's charged, connected to Wifi, and locked.

In case you need a professional company to handle your backups, Sora Solutions Services is available for troubleshooting. Sora Solutions Services is a Swiss-based Information Technology company offering a wide variety of IT Solutions, including DCIM, B2B Services, Strategic Planning & Development, Digital Strategic Marketing and much more. 

So visit today to get more info https://welcome.sora-solutions.services/en/


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