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What are the Symptoms of a Flood-Damaged Car?

Allen Stewart
What are the Symptoms of a Flood-Damaged Car?

Buying a second-hand car is a problem as you are not aware of what the car has been through and how long the car will last. You always have a fear that you might have overpaid for the car. This, among others, is the most common problem associated with buying flood-damaged cars.

Although the cases where the car has completely submerged in water are very rare, there have been cases where the car has been through deep flooded roads. These cars have several issues, and figuring out whether your car has any car flood damage symptoms is crucial.

But how do you figure out whether the cars have submerged in floods? The answer is very simple and is explained in detail in this article.

1-Sniff the insides of the car

Even after they have been left to soak the musty smell of carpets, seats, and upholstery, they still leave a distinct bad odor in the car after drying. Therefore, sniffing around the car will help you understand if the car has any car flood damage symptoms.

Getting rid of that smell is an impossible task. Hence if you get a mildew smell, it means there has been flooding damage or water leak from firewalls or doors.

2- Feel the moisture inside the car

If you smell the bad odor, you will probably feel the moisture around the car. Touch the surfaces of the car, and you will instantly feel it. You must inspect every nook and cranny of the car before buying it.

These places include the trunk and carpets. Lift the mats and look for moisture. If the car has undergone some water damage, then the whole carpet needs to be removed and placed back, which is difficult as no labor can guarantee the precision of the factory floors.

3- Check for any corrosion

There are several hundred places where water can easily go and hide in case of flood damage. Once water gets into a surface and cannot get out, these places tend to rust.

The most common places to look for corrosion are under the bonnet, rust in the door, hinges, and places with screws. If there are rusty screws, then there are chances the car has been submerged underwater for some time.

4- Inspect the electronics

Since electricity and water are enemies, this is perhaps the easiest way to find if the car has flood damage. Inspect the electronics, and if you find anything faulty, there are chances it might be because of water damage.

If the wires feel fragile or hard, it is a sure shot sign to conclude it is because of water damage.

Final thoughts

Keep these points in mind as some sellers will do car title fraud, hide these symptoms and sell you damaged used cars. To know more about various car laws, contact the professionals from Allen Stewart.

Andrew Richardson is the author of this Article. To know more about dealer won t fix car under warranty please visit our website: allenstewart.com

Allen Stewart
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