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Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems Explained

Special Hazard Fire Suppression Systems Explained

Since the threat of fire can occur in many spaces, with many types of media, having a specialized fire suppression system that is designed for the specific hazards in your space is a must. While many buildings may have ample fire protection through a traditional water-based fire sprinkler system, there are special hazards that may require foam or gas-based fire suppressants to extinguish the flames, without the threat of splatter or spread. For companies looking for a fire suppression systems in Iowa and beyond, here are some of the special hazards you want to protect with fire safety equipment, and their specialized fire suppression systems.


Chemical Processing

For especially hazardous chemicals that could potentially ignite, having the properly matched foam or dry chemical fire suppression system is very important. An improperly matched water-based system could potentially make the fire worse, and spread it across the space with splatter.



Depending on the exact parts and equipment being used, foam-based and Co2-based special hazard fire suppression systems are popular in the aerospace industry. Typically, the Co2 based systems are used to avoid any potential damage to valuable parts and equipment, while the foam based systems are utilized to protect against fires potentially started by oil or gasoline.


Large Electronics and CNC Manufacturing Applications  

Some applications require specialized clean agent fire suppression systems that use non-conductive chemicals that will not spark or cause electrocution. If a electronic fire was attempted to be put out by a water-based system, it could easily cause multiple sparks, and spread the fire across the space.  

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