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What Causes a Transfer Case to Go Bad?

Franky Rochetich
What Causes a Transfer Case to Go Bad?

transfer case is a part of your car located at the transmission's rear in four-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive vehicles. Its primary function is to drive the wheel by transferring energy generated from the transmission to the axles.


There are three major causes of a transfer case failing, namely:


Low transfer case oil level:  This could result from a fluid leak through the shaft seal located on the transfer case. The shaft seal is designed to prevent oil leaks from the transfer case, but this seal could break or weaken due to prolonged use or collisions while driving.


Regular wear and tear:  It’s normal for vehicle components to weaken and wear out after continuous use. If your transfer case is problematic, it could just be that it’s past its heydays. 

Poor maintenance:  Although wear-and-tear is a normal progression for machine parts rubbing against each other, you can reduce the damage rate if you maintain it properly. Proper maintenance begins with noting how long the hydraulic fluid in your transfer case will take before it needs a change.


You can visit the Marketplace at Carpart.com.au to get your transfer case replacement or other parts at a bargain price.

Franky Rochetich
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