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Medical Tourism for Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery.

Medical Tourism for Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery.

Alsa Pakistan promotes medical tourism and offers an extensive range of facilities in terms of laparoscopic and bariatric surgeries. We are explicitly known for excellent patients care and service. Dr. Tahir Yunus, one of the most competent laparoscopic surgeons, is among the top-rated doctors in Pakistan. We are setting highest standards in patient satisfaction, safety and all types of our offered surgeries. Laparoscopic surgeries, including bariatric & weight loss surgery at Alsa Pakistan, hernia surgery, gall bladder alongside number of other related surgeries, are performed under complete care and supervision of an experienced surgeons team.

medical tourism for weight loss surgery is getting common these days as the prices outside of Pakistan are relatively higher! Medical tour to Pakistan can be a golden opportunity for you in terms of cost as well as the environment. It is an excellent opportunity to get services of Alsa Pakistan if you are living abroad and concerned about your health.

We provide enjoyable space for treatment and the most qualified surgeon with the international exposure of work at very reasonable cost. Because we know about the expenses you might be facing abroad, so we encourage medical tourism and offer various laparoscopic surgeries at our place.


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