
Amazon is the biggest retailer online company in the world. Amazon sells different products online like electronics, video games, software, apparel, food, furniture, toys, jewelry, and more.

Amazon is the leading E-commerce Website in the USA with the net sales of close to $280.5 billion in 2019. Research shows that an average shopper spends $1500 on Amazon Prime and Amazon Expenditure. There are 150 Million people who have a membership of Amazon Prime worldwide and US customers had 65% share in the Amazon Prime membership in 2019.

Amazon provides Fast & Free Shipping and that’s the reason why Amazon is the best Ecommerce Website shoppers trust. The net income of Amazon 2019 stands to 11.59 billion dollars.

List Of Data Fields

At RetailGators, we extract data fields for Amazon Seller’s Rankings Data. Data Fields are given below: -

  • Merchants Name
  • Seller Address
  • Phone
  • Email
  • #Products
  • Reviews
  • Star Ratings
  • Rank
  • Price
  • Image
  • Sales Rank
  • Total FBA Seller
  • The Lowest FBA Price
  • UPC Code
  • URL On Amazon
  • Description
  • Product Specification
  • Product Model
  • Category
  • Sponsored Products
  • Seller Name
Scrape Seller Ranking Product Data From Amazon

Amazon Best Seller Ranking shows how good a product is selling compared to different products of a similar category. Overall, the sales volume has to do something more for the product ranking. With a universal product description, our Amazon Data Extractor can recognize the behavior as well as can decide the selling price, marketing, and marketing statements, etc.

Amazon is one of the leading online shopping platforms and has achieved all the success, and we can say that Amazon is the King of E-commerce domains. These are how Amazon has become the most powerful website for all the products.

Why Hire A Web Data Scraping Services Provider Company For Amazon Sellers Ranking?
  • A eCommerce Data Scraping Services helps you to provide the best Amazon sellers Ranking services to extract information from Amazon having good rewards, which can take time whereas generating data as well as we provide data in CSV format.
  • With day to day updates, an expert Amazon’s bestsellers ranking Services Company provides the best Amazon sellers ranking data scraping services that helps you in keeping updated with the newest trends that will assist you in generating revenue.

Amazon Bestseller Ranking specifies how well the product is selling or relating other products which have similar categories. If the overall sales volume has not much to do with the product ranking. The algorithm affects the unique sales number within the required time. It requires to sell additional units than other same categories in the given time with a better position.

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