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Cupro Nickel 70 Coils Manufacturer in India

Ninthore Overseas
Cupro Nickel 70 Coils Manufacturer in India

Ninthore Overseas is one of the Leading Manufacturer And Exporter Of High-Quality Cupro Nickel 70 Coils, Sheets, And Plates, which are considered and factory-made at our hi-tech manufacturing unit. Some usual applications for Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Plates include pump components, valves, etc. Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Coils have outstanding pitting and corrosion resistance in marine atmospheres. Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Slating Coils are ductile and strong. The small content of iron provides Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Perforated Coils (UNS C71500) an unexpected resistance to wide-ranging corrosion and SCC, making it very appropriate and perfect for the marine or manufacturing industries.

Phone No: +91 98334 74735

Email id: [email protected]

Website: https://ninthoreoverseas.com/coils/cupro-nickel-70-coils/

Ninthore Overseas
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