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How to find if the e-store retailer is safe or not?

How to find if the e-store retailer is safe or not?

People pick online shopping as their favorite because they feel it is safe, more reasonable in price, provides good offers, and is easy to use with varieties but on the other hand, there is various news about how someone got scammed by online retailers. So do how can we find that e-store retailer is safe or not? Here is a list to identify that retailer is safe or not:

• Always pick a trusted website

• Never upload your credit card details to a website which don’t provide SSL encryption

• Never give any retailer your details such as birth date or social security number along with credit card number they can be used wrong.

• Always use strong passwords

• Free WiFi can harm you

• Shop in private (not in public places)

• Instead of the third party buying directly from the retailer’s online app.

• Buying from phones is safer than buying from cards.

• Always recheck about retailers' detail.

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