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What Is The Purpose Of Invisalign?

What Is The Purpose Of Invisalign?

Using Invisalign Treatment in Loveland you can straighten your teeth without using metal brackets or wires. Yes, you heard it correctly! While braces contain metal wires, Invisalign is nearly undetectable while being worn.

You can wear a new tray in less than a month every time, which is especially custom-made for your teeth. It indicates that you will get to see a new look every week instead of restricting yourself to a fixed smile for years. 

Utilizing several clear plastic trays that the patient wears, Invisalign in Loveland, CO, gradually moves the teeth into place. Every fortnight, the trays are changed, and progressively the teeth straightening.

Remember, while you are cleaning your teeth or eating your food, you should remove your aligners. Because these aligners are custom-made for each patient, they fit perfectly over their teeth.

One of the critical advantages of Invisalign is that it does not involve the use of wires or metal devices in your mouth. Metal permanent equipment does not allow the patient to eat or drink whenever they like.

Additionally, you can take the aligners out. They also make it easier to wash your teeth and keep up with your dental hygiene routine. You can save yourself from those foul smells in your mouth and the dreadful look, which are actual hindrances for those who wish to straighten their teeth but hate its disadvantages. 

There are some parallels between Invisalign and braces in Loveland, but there are many distinctions.

Some of the commonly visible differences between Invisalign in Loveland, CO, and braces in Loveland are as follows:

  • Metal wires and elastic bands used in traditional braces are visible to the naked eye, whereas Invisalign aligners are clear BPA-free plastic. They become more noticeable because of this, which may be a concern for some individuals.
  • Removal of Invisalign braces from the mouth is easy to work at any time; however, the patients should wear their trays for 20 to 22 hours a day, per instructions. On the other hand, traditional braces remain attached to teeth with wires.
  • Invisalign's treatment period is significantly shorter than that of traditional braces. Often it takes two years for conventional braces to perform their role; however, Invisalign requires only six to eighteen months of wearing time.
  • The cost of Invisalign braces is more than that of traditional metal braces. However, the difference is not considerable. Ceramic braces cost much higher than metal ones. You can discuss the Invisalign prices in detail with one of our dentists.

Wrapping up

Out of all the ways to clean your Invisalign aligners, the ideal one is to immerse them in a dental cleaning. Tablets for oral hygiene are widely accessible and easy to use.

Our dental office will re-emphasize the importance of brushing and flossing your aligners. Remember to check out our website or give us a ring if you need additional information.

Ryan Anderson is the author of this article. For more details about Clear Braces Treatment in Loveland CO please visit our website: ascend-orthodontics.com

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