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Likely Hiding Spots To Check If Pet Rabbits Go Missing

Michael Wahn
Likely Hiding Spots To Check If Pet Rabbits Go Missing

Even long-time domesticated pet rabbits might not be able to resist the lure of the wilderness. If an opportunity presents itself, your pet rabbit might take off and start exploring every cranny and nook it could get into.


Should you lose track of the rabbit while in your living room, you might want to check behind your curtains since rabbits are by nature drawn to spots like these. Fabrics can be quite appealing to rabbits as something to chew on. Also, check beneath furniture and in your fireplace. Areas like these are quiet and dark, therefore, make ideal spots for your rabbit to nap for a bit.


If you suspect that your rabbit got into a bedroom, check inside your closet and beneath the bed. These are ideal napping spots as well. Check also the laundry area and inside the bathroom if the door was left open, specifically that spot behind your toilet.


Your veterinarian Fort Collins, CO is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Michael Wahn
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