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Fadal Spindle

Fadal Machine Parts
Fadal Spindle

Does your Fadal spindle fail prematurely? Are you sick of paying for replacement spindles?

Download operator manual for fadal spindle from ITSCNC. With our documentation we also include preventative maintenance tips to help avoid future failures.

ITS spindles are super precision components that require the highest level of care and handling. Our spindles are manufactured and assembled to the highest quality having passed inspection, testing and run-in procedures prior to shipment.

Compliance with the recommended care and handling procedures will ensure long spindle life, reliability and the highest quality of performance when placed into service.


GREASE LUBRICATION is widely used in a precision spindle assembly since it provides the simplest and most economical method of lubricating bearings while providing some degree of protection against the ingress of coolant and contaminants.

Grease lubrication provides:

  • Maintenance-free operation
  • Does not require re-lubrication
  • Spindles are permanently grease lubricated
  • Lubricated for life.
Fadal Machine Parts
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