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5 Key Tips To Boost Your Local SEO Presence


Local SEO stands for local search engine optimization. If you are a local business that wants to generate more customers, you have to understand Local SEO. Let’s get straight into understanding what local SEO is and why the local search continues to be important for business.

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Local SEO is the type of SEO that typically deals with search engine optimization tactics to target valuable local customers. Here are a few statistics that show the relevance of local SEO for businesses:

  • Local searches lead almost 50% of mobile users to visit stores within a day.
  • Further, approximately 34 percent of consumers on tablets or computers will also go to a store.
  • 18 percent of local smartphone searches lead to a same-day sale as compared to 7 percent of non-local searches.
  • It is observed that 1 in 3 searches on a smartphone are typically made just before the customer arrives at the store.

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We will now discuss ways in which you can optimize your website to maximize your local SEO.

1. Optimize keywords

Optimizing keywords in headers is probably the easiest way to begin optimizing your site for search engines. Make sure that all the important keywords are used in header tags and seamlessly throughout the content. However, if you want your site to be optimized properly, it is recommended that you hire the best SEO company in India.

2. Image optimization

Image optimization creates multiple advantages such as faster page load times, better user experience and the opportunity to rank better on search engine results. Search engines use a variety of factors to boost your search engine ranking and one of those factors is how well you optimize images. Therefore, this simple tip is becoming an increasingly important role.

3. Get genuine reviews

Studies show that over 93% of consumers read online reviews before purchasing a product. In the busy world of online shopping, consumers turn to read reviews and learn all they can about your product. Further, they are willing to purchase from businesses that have an average rating of 3 stars or better.

4. Create and promote Google My Business Page

There are a lot of tips when it comes to enhancing your local search rankings, but one of the most important ones is Google My Business Page. It allows you to add all sorts of information about your business — right from description to contact information and photos.

5. Backlinks from relevant sites

This is yet another way to give your local business website a boost. While it is vital to boost your local SEO, quality is equally important. In order to get high-quality backlinks, you can connect with local influencers on social media or create high-quality content on your site so that others are interested in linking to your content.

As Google keeps on introducing new features on its SERPs for local searches, it is essential to always stay on top of Local SEO. However, if you don’t have time to make adjustments, you may get in touch with the best digital marketing company such as Brandhype. They offer quality SEO services in India to get your website on top of search engines!

Source URL: blogger.com

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