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Want To Enhance Your Enthusiasm For Mineral Collection? Know More Here

Fossil Age Minerals
Want To Enhance Your Enthusiasm For Mineral Collection? Know More Here

People nowadays have adopted hobbies such as collecting minerals and fossils. With these collections, they read about everything they are collecting and planning to collect in the future. Hence, here we are providing information about some generally found minerals that can be a part of everyone’s collection.


Copper Minerals

Copper Minerals are the most common metals used in one’s daily life. There are people who use copper tumblers to have essential fluids on a daily basis. They are commonly known as minerals or energy and mental agility. The copper is known as the metal of the god Hermes who facilitates mental agility and quick wit.

Copper is the best conductor of electricity of energy, from electricity to attracting spiritual energy emanating from higher planes. Hence, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts even on long distances.

The use of copper is widely known in households. The people used copper in their various remedies such as traditional folk remedies and crystal healing to bring additional energies for all types of healing, treatment of arthritis, relieving the pain of broken bones, sexual instability, and low energy.

Hence, the collection of copper minerals can help one in several things other than just maintaining the hobby.


Arcanite Minerals

Arcanite mineral is a mineral of potassium sulfate with the formula K2SO4. The mineral belongs to the sulfate family.

They were discovered in 1845 after an occurrence was observed from an old pine tree in the railroad ties in the Santa Ana tin mine, Trabuco Canyon, Santa Ana Mountains, Orange County, California, US. there were reports of some hydrothermal deposits in the Cesano geothermal field, Latium, Italy. Other deposits in bat guano on the Chincha Island of Peru, and in caves Western Australia, South Africa, and Namibia.

Arcanite minerals are categorized as sulfate minerals which belong to the Orthorhombic and dipyramidal.

The arcanite mineral is good for the stomach, digestive system and maintains fertility. It is said that Arcanite aids balance and confidence during times of change. It helps one in healing from the traumas and it is an empowering solar plexus tool to aid one in learning trust, self-confidence, and self-esteem.


Peacock Ore Minerals

Peacock Ore is also known as Bornite which is a copper iron sulfide mineral with a chemical composition of Cu5FeS4. It occurs in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.

The minerals are easily recognizable as they tarnish to iridescent shades of blue, purple, red, green, and yellow. That is why it is commonly called peacock ore ‘or purple copper ore after these iridescent colors.

The bornite is used in separating bornite from other minerals with a sub-metallic to metallic luster. 

Fossil Age Minerals
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