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You’ll go crazy with our healthy treats

You’ll go crazy with our healthy treats

Millet Cookies, round in shape and soft in texture, are loved by all. We all love our darling variety of cookies, be it chocolate chips cookies, cashews cookies, almond cookies, etc. How about Organic Jaggery Millet Cookies? A millet cookie is full of nutrients and tastes wonderful with a hot cup of tea or coffee. These are sweetened using gur or millet and has no inclusion of refined sugar. Millet is a grain that is tiny in size and round in shape comes in many colours like white, grey, yellow or red.  You can make it creamy like mashed potatoes or fluffy like rice, and it is a delicious grain that can complement many types of food. Millet is a non-allergenic food and so is a great food for kids who may have food allergies.

Millet is overloaded with nutrients and using it in a cookie is a great food for an evening snack for kids and a guilt free snack for grown-ups! Millet is rich in proteins and make a good protein source for vegetarians. Millet is rich in iron, magnesium, phosphorous and potassium. Finger Millet particularly is loaded with calcium, which is 30 times more than rice. Almost all millet has high fibre content which is easily digestible for kids. Sorghum is an energy dense gluten free millet and tastes yummy as cookies, porridge and pancakes. A pack or two of Jaggery Millet Cookies will always come in handy at times when there comes a sudden coming of guests. Not only, these cookies are nutritive, but they taste delightful too. You can also carry these packs of cookies while heading for a holiday for a quick snack anytime. Browse through our collections and pick the perfect one now. Buy Millet cookies Online at best Price and live the healthy lifestyle like never before.

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