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Martha Stewart Banana Pudding

Gofasty Recipes
Martha Stewart Banana Pudding

How to make Martha Stewart Banana Pudding

In this article, I’m gonna show you how to make Martha Stewart-style pudding, an easy, classic, no-bake Southern dessert. It’s Martha Stewart Banana Pudding.

Hello, this is Gofasty recipes, today I’m going to teach you how to make delicious homemade dishes to share with your family and friends. First off, we’re making our easy, delicious Martha Stewart Banana Pudding. or pudding on Martha Stewart ways. This is such a childhood classic of mine, and it brings back all the nostalgic memories.

This thing is simple it’s a delicious, and easy peasy recipe. Delicious homemade dishes to share with your family and friends. we’re gonna make the most delicious, Martha Stewart Banana Pudding you’ve ever had in your life. These are super easy.


For Martha Stewart Banana Pudding you’ll need:

  • 5 bananas sliced into coins (Do not cut them too far in advance because you don’t want them to be browned).
  • Two cups of whole milk.
  • One can of sweetened condensed milk.
  • One packet of instant pudding.
  • Two cups heavy cream.
  • Two Tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Two teaspoons vanilla extract.
  • Cookies or wafers.


In a large bowl we’re gonna add:

Two cups of whole milk, one can of sweetened condensed milk, one packet of instant pudding, and whisk until combined, and we wanna get all the lumps out, so whisk, whisk, whisk, then set in the fridge to chill for about 5 minutes to give it time to set up.

Now in a stand mixer, we’re gonna whip up two cups of heavy cream, along with two tablespoons of sugar and two teaspoons of vanilla. Whip it up until you have nice firm, but still silky, peaks, if you overwhip cream, it turns into butter.

For this recipe, you want your bananas to be at peak flavor without being mushy. So a little bit of browning, some brown spots are totally fine. You don’t want them to be banana bread territory, or that super firm, not a tasty banana.

Pour the whipped cream into our set custard, and just use a spatula. Fold it in, and mix with a spatula.

So this recipe is amazing because it comes so quickly, there’s no baking involved, there are almost no dishes to do, and it’s just really stunning at the end as well.

In a trifle bowl add one layer of wafers (use any type of cookies or wafers you want), then add a quarter of the mixture to your trifle dish and smooth out the layer with a spatula to have a nice layer on the top of these wafers, then add another layer of wafers on the top and on the edge, then add a layer of bananas just on top of the wafers.

After you have a layer of bananas down add another quarter of your pudding and smooth it out once more, then add another layer of wafers then another layer of bananas on the top and on the edge, add another layer of pudding, then one more layer of wafers on the top and on the edge, then sprinkle the remaining bananas on the top, then the remaining pudding on the top.

And for the design, you can add on the top, whipped cream, and crumble a few cookies or wafers on top or you can use whatever you want. Enjoy!

I just hope you love this recipe “Martha Stewart Banana Pudding” as much as I do, If you have some time you can check my other recipes if not, see you next time, and hope I made your life a little easier more enjoyable, and delicious with my recipes. Don’t forget to subscribe with us in our newsletter to receive our new recipes in your mail directly.

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